Dakini Dance Series: Warm Up + Strengthening + Conditioning (2 videos)

Dakini Dance Series: Warm Up + Strengthening + Conditioning (2 videos)

15 min (2 videos) that strengthen your core, sculpt and tone the upper body, free the hips and engage the legs through fluid and graceful dance. A full body toner. A delicious dance flow to prepare you for my Dakini Dance choreography (coming soon). These videos are great as a daily movement practice. Enjoy your body. Feel amazing.

Dakini Dance Series: Warm Up + Strengthening + Conditioning (2 videos)
  • Dakini Dance Flow Series: Warm-Up for Spine, Legs and Arms

    This 7 minute dance video is a full body warm up, with an emphasis on the legs, spine and arms. This beautiful sequence is great as a warm-up before or cool-down after your dance practice. The focus is on fluidity, ease and flow in the body. Enjoy!

  • Dakini Dance Flow Series: Core, Balance, Sculpt

    This 8 min flow is about creating more balance, tone, and strength in the body. The arms are fluid and flowing as we balance with strong legs and long spine. This work out is a perfect daily practice for dancers of all levels. Enjoy!